
All posts tagged kawaii

Fairy Tale Handbags in Shop

Published January 21, 2015 by kurolace

Sorry sweet strangelings, I’ve been away for a long time 😦  Well, a lot has been happening here, first there were the holidays, and then my grandma fell ill and died. So, the next month or two I may still be rather preoccupied, as we have yet to hold her memorial service or settle her estate.

On a far brighter note, I have add several of the totes that I made to my Etsy shop… I made these bags back in October/November. I was heart broken that no one bought one at either of the holiday craft fairs I attended, but hopefully they’ll catch someone’s eye online.

Several bags available in my Etsy store Kurolace

Several bags available in my Etsy store Kurolace

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How-To: Stitch Markers

Published August 22, 2014 by kurolace

Hiya! Today I’ve got a quick tutorial for you on making stitch markers! This is great for yourself or as a gift for someone who knits. The stitch markers that we’re going to make are no-snag, so they wont damage the yarn you’re knitting with. They can also easily be made any size. ( These are closed – so they’re the kind of stitch markers you might use when knitting in the round.)

Okay…. let’s goooooo!


First lets gather some supplies:

  • Beading wire, such as “Beadalon.” Please get a small diameter with high flexibility. You can get a wider selection online, if your local craft store doesn’t carry much.
  • Wire cutting pliers
  • Crimping pliers – or chain nose will work too
  • Crimp beads. The picture shows size 0, but I actually recommend size 1. (Your wire should be able to fit through the crimp bead twice.)
  • A knitting needle of the max. size you want the markers to fit.
  • Main beads (in this case, acrylic stars)
  • Seed beads to complement the main beads (in this case pearly white)

*When choosing your beads, please make sure they have a large enough hole to fit two strands of the wire through.*

First you want to cut small sections of wire. The exact length depends on the size stitch marker you want to make, as well as the bead (or beads) you are using. Hold your knitting needle, wrap the wire around it, and cut a section long enough. Give yourself a few centimeters extra length, for workability.


My sections of wire were about 2.5″ or 3″

Keep the wire around the knitting needle, hold the two ends of wire together, and put them both through a crimp bead. Push the crimp bead up towards the knitting needle to tighten the loop. Don’t make it too tight though – you want to be able to easily slide the stitch marker along the needle. Crimp the crimp bead with the crimping pliers or with chain nose pliers. If using chain nose pliers, make sure it’s really tight and the crimp bead can’t move.

DSCN1855If you are making a set of markers, you might want to go ahead and get all of the wire sections prepared before moving on to the next step. I think it helps me keep them all a bit more uniform in regards to the tightness of the loop.

Next you’ll add your beads. I put one seed bead, one star bead, and one seed bead. Obviously this is up to you, and time to use your design sense! You can use any kind of bead that’ll fit on your wires!


*Remember that we’re always putting BOTH wire ends through – just think of them as a single strand.*


Next add another crimp bead, and crimp.

Make sure the crimp bead is secure and isn’t moving at all. Then you can trim the wires so that they end just after the crimp bead. If they seem sharp to you, use a file on the ends to round them off.


Viola! Your stitch marker is now complete! Continue on to make a matching set of 5 or 6, or make a bunch of mix-and -match ones! As you can see below, I made a large set of rainbow stars!


Round Alice Bag

Published August 21, 2014 by kurolace

Hi there! Well, it’s been a while again… Lately life hasn’t been too much fun. Just a lot of stuff isn’t the way I’d like it to be and I often have trouble imagining that I’ll ever be free to live my own life….   Well, to escape from all that drama, I usually make stuff. Lately I discovered a Chinese book on handbags which all have fairy tale themes. I don’t read Chinese, but I was able to combine the images with my own sewing know-how to make a very cute Alice in Wonderland themed bag. My mom wanted to know how much I’d sell it for, but this first one I’ll probably keep (its not as professionally finished as I’d like it to be). If I do make another to sell, I think it would be in the $50 range. Does that seem too expensive? Keep in mind, all the applique has to be done by hand!

There wasn’t a pattern for the actual bag, so I had to make it up myself, and I’ve never sewn in-the-round like this before. I had to do the bag twice actually, because the first time I somehow messed up my circumference measurements.

The bag is 10.5″ in diameter, made from faux suede with interfacing (to stiffen it) and a cotton lining. The strap is long enough to be worn cross the body (my preferred arrangement), or can be adjusted to be shorter. The applique are done with a lovely 60% wool, 40% rayon felt (a Japanese brand). There’s gold colored beads, key-chain rings, and gold embroidery thread for the charm-bracelet design.


There are a few things I’ll fix for next time. I meant for the tabs which attach the D-rings to the bag to be in the seam, not sewn on the outside of the bag, but I forgot to do it, and then having done the bag twice, I got lazy and just put them on the outside. The strap could stand to be about 3 inches longer, really. And on the applique I think that I’ll do the embroidered chain (on the watch) for the top chain part of the charms bracelet (the little row of beads leading towards the upper corner of the bag).

I wanted to add a fur ball pom pom key-chain (they show it with one in the design book), but I’ve been frustrated by the fact that I can only find real-fur ones, not faux ones. Idk… I’m not strictly against fur, but since I used faux-suede, I think adding a real-fur accessory would be rather odd.

What do you think?

YouTube DIYer: Mark Montano – Galaxy Chair!

Published May 21, 2014 by kurolace

I found a new channel to subscribe to on YouTube. Mark Montano has a slew of cute DIY videos, but my favorite by far is this one on upcycling a vintage chair with homemade galaxy fabric. I wish I had an apartment of my own to do this! (No room here at my parent’s house).  The bit about making the fabric would have made a pretty good how-to video on its own!

Additionally he has videos on making safety-pin feather designs, an Alice-in-Wonderland-esque chair and dish set, and really cute mini-hat bobby pins. He has a series called “Guy DIY” too, for the fellas out there.

Speedy Stylus Make-over

Published May 7, 2013 by kurolace

Hi There!

While at Walgreens the other day, I happened to discover that they had some smart phone styluses for sale for $5. I bought a blue one to use with my phone. Its okay on its own, but a little plain.

Seriously the hardest part was taking the bar-code sticker off.

Seriously the hardest part was taking the bar-code sticker off.

So I decided to try to beautify it a little bit. All you need to do this is some rhinestones, or rhinestone stickers, and some glue. Also the little “rhinestone picker-uper” is useful if you use small rhinestones.

Obviously the bunnies are too big, but I used one of the little hearts from that set.

Obviously the bunnies are too big, but I used one of the little hearts from that set.

A few minutes later, and you have a slightly more cute stylus! Yay! If you have some tiny cabochons, you could also use those. I didn’t happen to have any that I felt were tiny enough.

I kept it simple, so that the rhinestones don't bother my hand or get caught on stuff.

I kept it simple, so that the rhinestones don’t bother my hand or get caught on stuff.

Yep… it doesn’t get much easier than that!

Mameshiba! Cute Bean Dog Informs

Published May 2, 2013 by kurolace

Hi All!


Have you seen Mameshiba? This is a cute bean dog character from Japan. Yes, its strange… but strangely cute! Actually, they have become very popular apparently. There is a series of short videos where the different mameshiba characters pop out of peoples foods and divulge “unsettling” facts (usually very random, although sometimes they actually fit the situation). Personally I don’t find the facts disgusting or whatever, as the people in the videos seem to, but maybe that’s a cultural difference, lol.

Here’s an example of one of the videos, you can find them all on the Mamaeshiba website or on YouTube.

Mamashiba merchandise is popular. Just search google to see some of the cute items you can get.


Hot Topic Score: My Little Pony Phone Case

Published April 29, 2013 by kurolace

Hi All!

Today I was over at the mall because I was tutoring, and after my student and I split ways, I decided to go walk the mall. I did have at least one thing to buy in mind… that was some gummy candy at the candy store, so that I can make molds later this week. But along the way I saw Hot Topic. Now, the crazy thing is, I could have sworn that Hot Topic had already closed up and gone, like 5 months ago or more. I was going to go there sometime in November or December, but was surprised to see it had disappeared. And online the location at the mall is no longer listed…. So I don’t know if the store I went in to today was temporary or what….  Everything was Buy One Get One half off, mix and match. I saw a nice long dress with some skull lace, and decided to buy it. While looking through the My Little Pony display, I was really annoyed that the T-shirts were all lame and didn’t have any main characters on them (I would totally have gotten a Twilight Sparkle tee). But I did find this phone case… I decided to get it because I sort of like the wallet / phone case function…. Plus I think I had set myself on getting SOMETHING My Little Pony. (Later today I sort of had second thoughts… like, maybe I should have gotten that Jareth / David Bowie tee? – well I could go back….lol)

Anyway, check it out. $9 (originally 18.99) My Little Pony Phone Case/Wallet . The black background is actually the dress, but I don’t think you can see the skull lace.

Fluttershy is second best, behind Twilight Sparkle, IMO.

Fluttershy is second best, behind Twilight Sparkle, IMO.


Inside, space for some cards and money

Inside, space for some cards and money


Front has protective plastic window with an opening on bottom for a button (or camera?) and then speaker holes at the top. I couldn't decide which way the phone was ment to go in, lol. And yeah, Alan Walker from D-Grayman is my wallpaper! :P

Front has protective plastic window with an opening on bottom for a button (or camera?) and then speaker holes at the top. I couldn’t decide which way the phone was meant to go in, lol. And yeah, Alan Walker from D-Grayman is my wallpaper! 😛


It came with a detachable wrist-let strap.

It came with a detachable wrist-let strap.

Kawaii Macaroon Charm Necklaces

Published April 26, 2013 by kurolace

Hi! Here are some macaroon charm necklaces I made using paper clay. Next time I think I’d use resin clay to try to give a little more weight to them (they are extreme light weight), and maybe try to make the macaroons a bit flatter…. I haven’t put these in my etsy shop yet, but I think I will… just cause I don’t know what I’d do with 6 necklaces like this, lol.  What do you think?

Handmade paper clay macaroons with little gem decorations...

Handmade paper clay macaroons with little gem decorations…



Etsy Finds: Wall Decals – From Cute to Goth

Published April 10, 2013 by kurolace

For a while I’ve been thinking of doing some easy redecorating in my room – I say easy, because its not worth doing a total re-haul. (I am still living in my childhood bedroom in my parents’ house) One way to do this would be with wall decals, which are removable. Etsy has a lot of vinyl decal stores. And if you start searching for “wall decals” you’ll notice a few trends… cherry blossoming trees… birds, branches, kiddie stuff, words… A lot of the designs are very similar store-to-store…so it takes a while to find the best. I found a selection of decals I think are nice, which I’m sharing here with you. Some are more “normal” trendy designs, some would be good for lolita decor, and some are a bit darker 😉

Under the Sea decals from Simple Shape. $148

Simple Shape. $148

To start, here is a large, cute set from SimpleShapes. This Under the Sea set cost about $148, but has a lot of stickers in it, in multiple colors. I know it is presented as being for kids… but I would totally get it if I had a room I wanted to decorate in an aquatic theme… maybe like a hallway even.




innovativestencils. $139.99

I found tons of tree themed decals. I like the cherry blossom types, but I also like the birch tree types. You can find just plain trees, trees with birds, and trees with birds and deer, etc. Here is a Birch Trees with Snow Birds and Deer decal set from innovativestencils for $139.99.


Stars in 2 colors from looksugar. $28

looksugar. $28


Back to cute-sy…. Here are some star decals which would work for any room…. You could get them in pastel colors if you want a girl, gothic lolita or pastel goth look! Or deeper colors are great too… This is a 97 star set (in two colors) from  looksugar for just $28. The nice thing about this kind of set is that you could split the decals up to use in different rooms or on accessories, mirrors, etc.


Human Skeleton decal from VinylWallAdornments. $59

VinylWallAdornments. $59

On to something a bit more quirky. Whether your into darker stuff, or maybe a med student, or maybe both!… Here’s a human skeleton decal from VinylWallAdornments for $59. I suppose the more tame of you could use it for Halloween decor.

Burtonesque tree from VinylWallAdornments. $85

VinylWallAdornments. $85

Also from VinylWallAdornments, this Burtonesque tree caught my eye. Its $85. ( This store has decals which are slightly more “artistic” in nature in my opinion.)



seanhexed $25

seanhexed $25

Next I came across this Spirit Bottles decal from seanhexed. It costs $25 and looks like it’d be great across the back of a mantel or wall shelf… This store has some other goth & alternative themed designs



pillboxdesigns $29.99

pillboxdesigns $29.99

Finally, the coolest for last! There are several bat themed decals available on Etsy. Normal, flying bat silhouettes, cutesy cartoon bats hanging on a line… But I love this one best… Its sort of a play on those bird cage decals you can get (yes I do like those too…) but way better… this Bat Cage decal is from pillboxdesigns and costs $29.99. You can choose to get it in 2 colors: one color for the cage and chains and one for the bats. 12 feet of chain and 11 bats lets you customize the layout a little bit… plus you could save a bat or two to decorate in another area.